Michael Dawson is the Chief Instructor and founder of the Northern Shaolin/Praying Mantis Kung-Fu Association, with over 30 years of experience in Chinese martial arts. Michael was introduced to the world of martial arts at the age of six. He was first exposed to Okinawa-Te Karate by his father; himself a 3rd-degree black belt in the art. Later, Michael moved on to study Northern Shaolin, Praying Mantis and various Internal systems after being inspired by his childhood T.V. hero Kwai Chang Caine, from the original 1970's Kung Fu series. Michael extensively trained and taught at the Tai Mantis Kung-Fu Association in Los Angeles, under his primary instructor Sifu Liang Kam Yuen, who - by sheer coincidence - was the Technical Advisor/Fight Coordinator for the once-popular T.V. series.

Years later, Michael was selected for his martial arts expertise to work on the sequel series Kung Fu: The Legend Continues and joined the show as the Stunt Double for David Carradine's legendary character, Kwai Chang Caine. He returned to the show in following seasons as a Kung-fu Technical Advisor while continuing to Stunt Double for David Carradine. Michael worked closely with the writers and producers of the show, contributing his knowledge of authentic Shaolin kung-fu and many other martial arts styles. While working on the show, Michael had performed over 140 fights and other numerous stunts for the camera. Michael continued to pursue stunt work and has performed both in front of and behind the camera in many films and television shows. He has also trained such known celebrities as: David Carradine, Robert Carradine, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Michael Clarke Duncan, Kelly Hu, John Schneider, John Saxon, George Lazenby, Colm Feore, Melissa George, Chris Potter, Steven Brand, Calista Carradine, and Olympic gold and silver medallist Sherri Howard, among others.

Michael Dawson has been certified as a Chief Instructor in the traditional Northern Shaolin Monastery system, Seven-Star Praying Mantis and Tai Chi Praying Mantis systems, the 18 Law Horn (Shaolin Lohan), Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I and Pa-Kua; in addition to Chi Kung, Iron Palm and Piercing Hand Techniques, and traditional weaponry as they were originally taught in the Tai Mantis Kung-Fu Association. For more than 18 years, he has taught kung-fu and Tai Chi in numerous schools, colleges and organizations throughout California.

In 1993, Kam Yuen transferred ownership of his faction of the Tai Mantis Kung-Fu Association to Michael Dawson. Michael has since - and with great respect - declined to make use of his old Association, preferring to found his own organization: the Northern Shaolin/Praying Mantis Kung-Fu Association. In January of 2004, the new Association was officially enacted and strives to preserve the traditional and positive tenets of the old Association, while ensuring its legacy will grow and thrive in the 21st Century and beyond. Although Kam Yuen was Michael's primary and nominal teacher, his background also includes study from other notable masters who were also influential in his training and development - both as a practitioner and as a teacher.

On his own personal teaching style and philosophy, he has been quoted to say, "I believe I have a very grounded way of teaching. I've been exposed to very traditional training and also very modern, or 'Westernized' ways of doing things. I think both styles have merit. I think and process things traditionally, but I explain things with more contemporary methods. I try to demystify the art and show what students really need to focus on to experience all of the benefits and improve their training…without losing touch with the art itself. It's not magic nor is it about power. It's about making you a better person…both mentally, physically and even spiritually…although I'm not talking about religion or the supernatural when I use the word, 'spiritually'. One of my teachers used to say that it's about 'maximizing your life while minimizing your stress and effort'. Sounds like a catch phrase one would hear at a self-improvement seminar, but it's true nonetheless. I've been teaching for a while now, and the more I do it, the better teacher I become. I learn a lot from my own students...from the questions they ask and listening to their perspectives. From this input, one discovers which methods and examples work and which ones don't. I'm also the type of teacher that prefers to show students by example. I'm not a coach. I don't believe in standing idly counting off punches, kicks and drills while your students are working their proverbial tails off. Whenever possible, I like to be right alongside of them and show that I can 'practice what I preach'. There are some great schools and instructors out there, but there are also many martial art instructors who are lazy teachers. I've seen some teachers who'll have an advanced student teach for them in their stead. They may make the odd 'appearance' on the training floor, or just watch a class from the sidelines while their subordinate takes the students through their paces. I could never do that. As a teacher, it is your responsibility to match or exceed your student's energy and desire to learn. You have to be there for your students. Anything less would be short-changing your students and ultimately, yourself. It's also important to promote a positive, healthy learning atmosphere that's free of negativity and aggression. The class should be a sanctuary for the student. It should be a time and place where students can feel safe, relaxed and good about themselves and what they're doing. Students should feel support and be undistracted from any day-to-day woes they may have."

When he is not teaching, Michael still enjoys stunt work and and spearheads Voodoo Swamp Entertainment, his own film, music and multimedia production company based in New Orleans, LA. He is also part of Plutonian Shore (along with co-partner Sean Mulligan), a collaborative music entity that specializes in film scores and other musical works. Originally a Native Californian who grew up in and around Los Angeles, Michael now calls New Orleans, LA home.

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